Rob in an alternate universe

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Describe your life in an alternate universe.

I’m a sci-fi and comic book geek from way back in the day. So alternate universes are something I think about a lot. But instead of thinking about myself in just one alternate universe, I think of myself and I’ll differently. My life would’ve been in a handful of scenarios.

Multiple Worfs, from the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode “Parallels”

I wonder sometimes about my marriage. And if X and I had worked things out, I would be getting ready to celebrate my 23rd wedding anniversary. I don’t think we would’ve had more children, but who knows?

What if, during the time that I wasn’t teaching, if I had gone back to school, I need to completed my masters degree in English, or in education administration. Would it be teaching in a college now? Would I be a principal at a middle school or high school instead of getting back in the classroom?

From time to time, I wonder what would’ve happened with me and LTR if I could just decided not to visit my son that year for Christmas. But, I realize that relationship was doomed throughout the multi-verse.

And once we did get back together, how are things have turned out if, during the holiday season of 2014, we went ahead and had a quick wedding shortly before The Old Man passed.

Alternate universes are fun to think about. Look at how many times to Star Trek franchise is revisited the “mirror universe”. But even as I read this, I’m realizing that things happen the way they did for a reason. I have to think that the scenarios I listed above would play out exactly the same in any reality.

And to be honest, I don’t think that I wouldn’t wanna live in a world where any of the things I mentioned above, played out differently.

Could’ve, should’ve , would’ve …

One response to “Rob in an alternate universe”

  1. mygenxerlife Avatar

    Yeah, too many variables to try to figure how things would play out. You could go down a rabbit hole thinking about what could have happened. I only have enough brain energy trying to navigate this life than the multiverse!

    Liked by 1 person

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