Rob’s House of cards & comics

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If you were going to open up a shop, what would you sell?

Opening up my own shop has never really been a dream of mine. But if I were to open my own store, I think that I would probably sell comic books, collectible, toys, and baseball cards. Those are three things that have always been a part of my life. And for a lot of people, those three habits have a way of interconnecting.

I admit it. I was a toy geek as a kid. Star Wars, G.I., Joe, he-man, and the transformers, pretty much sun up my childhood. Comic books can also be connected my toy geekiness. I was a child of the 80s; and the 80s was a time when most major toy lines had an animated series and/or a comic book tie-in to promote them.

Said every drunk guy, ever.

My father was a huge baseball card collector, especially during the 80s. I attended some baseball card, shows with him back in the day, and also picked up a few autographs from famous players. His enthusiasm for the game definitely wore off on me. I’ve collected baseball cards at various points throughout my life as well. in my opinion, baseball is the greatest team sport ever invented. I think that alone tells you how passionate I am about the game.

Owning your own shop, let alone any business, is tougher than most people realize. Owning any business is a major risk. Many factors go into a business’s success, the least of which is luck.

I believe that there are far too many people who go into owning their own shop, based on their personal interests, without really possessing any degree of business-savvy. It’s just like any drunken man who has ever uttered those five infamous words “we should open a bar“. People want to find a way to monetize their passion. In some cases, people just want to find a way to keep the party going, and it’s never a sure thing.

Now I pose the same question to you, the reader: “ If you were going to open up a shop, what would you sell?”

7 responses to “Rob’s House of cards & comics”

  1. Cee Tee Jackson Avatar

    I mentioned to my wife about 35 years ago about leaving Banking and setting up a shop selling imported American comics and stuff. Sadly, that idea was put to bed … only for Forbidden Planet to open up in Glasgow a few years later … and they did ok.
    Everytime we pass by the Comic Con at our local mall (this is Scotland) and see the interest, I remind her of that ‘stupid’ idea I had all those years ago!

    (Ideally, I’s combine a comic / book and obscure vinyl record store. ) 😉

    Liked by 2 people

    1. rebuilding rob Avatar

      Wow! Even here in the states, I’ve heard of Forbidden Planet.

      I wouldn’t feel too bad about it though. There are so many factors that go into the success or failure of a business; many of which are out of the business owner’s control.

      I’m not sure what the final sales are like today in Scotland, but it’s making a bit of a comeback here in America. In fact, I just heard that last year was the first time is it vinyl outsold, compact discs.

      What kind of music are you interested in?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Cee Tee Jackson Avatar

        Pretty much everything other than the general commercial ‘chart’ stuff and slow, morose ballad types. Mainly punk, rock and reggae / ska. (I also love old ’60s garage and obscure rock bands from ’60s & ’70s … like on one of my other blogs at

        Liked by 1 person

  2. AP2 Avatar

    Tough question – I’ve never thought about opening a shop to be honest. If I did I would probably sell beer 😂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. rebuilding rob Avatar

      Why not? People ALWAYS want to buy beer! 🤣

      Liked by 1 person

      1. AP2 Avatar

        I guess I never thought about opening a shop. I love to travel. Looking after a shop feels like it would interfere with that. Maybe an online shop!?

        Liked by 1 person

      2. rebuilding rob Avatar

        That’s always an option! From what I hear, most shop-owners end up, spending most of their time at their shop in the early days of the business. That might put a damper on your travel plans.

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