Eliminating the root of all evil

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List three jobs you’d consider pursuing if money didn’t matter.

One of the many things I love about the Star Trek franchise is that is is set in a future where the need for material wealth no longer exists on Earth. Since humanity is no longer driven by the acquisition of wealth, the humans work to better themselves and their understanding of the universe. Since there is no longer greed in Star Trek, there is also no longer any hunger or classism. And those are idea I can get behind.

This was a difficult post to write because our jobs are what we do…for a living. Money is essential to survival in the modern world. If we eliminate money as a factor, we can really think about the kind of jobs we would literally do for free. Here are 3 of mine, on no particular order.

Pretty much anything to do with a Major League Baseball team – as you may have noticed from my other posts, I’m a huge baseball fan. I ushered one summer at Comerica Park in Detroit; and I probably would have kept doing it if money wasn’t an issue. I wouldn’t even have to usher. I would sell concessions, do maintenance, work as a groundskeeper. I just love the game and I like being at the stadium during game time. The one problem is see here would be that my desire be a fan is greater than my desire to be an employee.

Writer – I would blog, write novels, write a regular column; maybe a tv or movie script. I think I would like to write for a Batman comic along the way.

Detective – I probably because I read too many Hardy Boys Mystery novels as a kid, but when I was younger, I wanted to be a detective. Either as a cop or as a private investigator. I don’t know any to spy on people but o want to solve mysteries. I’ve always loved the idea of trying to find clues to piece together the happened.

What kind of jobs would you pursue, if money was not an issue?

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