Of splitting poles & the number 13

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Daily writing prompt
Are you superstitious?

No. I don’t think I’m superstitious at all. I’m not afraid of the the number 13. I’m totally okay with splitting poles and I don’t freak out if a black cat crosses my path.

I will, however, say that I don’t generally walk under ladders. That’s not out of fear of bad luck; rather it just feels unsafe having something over your head like that.

I think all sports have superstitions, but baseball seems to be the worst offender of the bunch. Here’s a Bleacher Report article on the 50 Strangest Baseball Superstitions. Check out this video of Hall of Famer Manager Sparky Anderson stepping over the foul line as he goes out to make a pitching change.

Incidentally, I have broken a mirror on more than one occasion in my life. But I’ve never thought to myself “crap, there’s seven years of bad luck”. Sure, they were bad things that happened in life, but I can’t blame them on superstitions.

I understand people’s need for belief in superstitions. We all want to have good things happen to us. More than that, we want to be protected from bad things happening. but our superstitions go back to older times, when we didn’t know as much about the world and how things worked; science in our understanding of the universe wasn’t what it is today.

A lot of people will talk about the link between religions and superstition. Some people will even go as far as to say that all religion is is a bunch of superstitions. However, I’m not gonna go down that road…

Are you superstitious?

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The article “of splitting poles & the number 13” first appeared on Rebuilding Rob

5 responses to “Of splitting poles & the number 13”

  1. Liz Avatar

    I’m not superstitious. But my mum was.
    Salt thrown over shoulder if some were spilt I think.
    Don’t walk under ladders.
    Don’t put new shoes on the table.

    When I got in my teens, I deliberately did what she told me not to, which was walk under ladders. But only after seeing if there was any risk of anything that would fall from a ladder. Not superstition. And I would purposly put new shoes I bought on the table

    And the umbrella one. Don’t put it up in the house. So I wound her up with that one.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. rebuilding rob Avatar

      I must admit that, even when I go to open up an umbrella inside a building, strictly for the purposes of letting it dry out, I still feel a little weird.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Silk Cords Avatar

        But you’re not superstitious… :D

        Liked by 1 person

      2. rebuilding rob Avatar

        No. Not at all 😝

        Liked by 1 person

  2. MyGenXerLife Avatar

    The baseball superstitions were pretty interesting. I knew some, but not most. I loved watching the mad Hungarian as a kid. I never knew Reggie Jackson kept the same helmet. Thanks for the link. Great post!

    Liked by 1 person

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