What I Leave Behind

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Daily writing prompt
What is the legacy you want to leave behind?

My kids are my legacy first and foremost. My boys are the ones who will literally carry on my name after I die. I hope that I can impart in them some important lessons I learned along the way in my life.

Most of all, I want them to have a sense of self-esteem. The world is full of people who will break your spirit if you let them. I want them to be comfortable with themselves and happy with who they are.

I want them to be assertive; that is to say, willing to speak their mind and stand up for themselves. There’s a famous expression “speak your mind, even when your voice cracks”. One of my greatest hopes is that my sons will always stand up for themselves.

in the words of Peter Cullen when he described Optimus Prime, I want them to “be strong enough to be gentle”. X1 was one of those people who felt like she had to completely intimidate every one and bowl them over. That’s just not me. In fact, mistaking compassion for weaknesses infuriates me more than just about anything.

Finally, I want my sons to be helpful to others when they have the means to do so. I believe in karma and in the notion that the universe has a way of balancing itself out. I believe that good things happen to people who are kind to others.

As for my students, if any of them are able to taker anything from me, whether it’s an academic lesson, or something they can “use later in life” would just be gravy.

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The article “what I leave behind” first appeared on Rebuilding Rob.

2 responses to “What I Leave Behind”

  1. MyGenXerLife Avatar

    “speak your mind, even when your voice cracks”. This is a good one.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. rebuilding rob Avatar

      I’ve seen that one on some classroom posters before. I need to get one of those for my classroom.

      Liked by 1 person

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