Something to remind me

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Daily writing prompt
What personal belongings do you hold most dear?

It’s interesting that this prompt is asking about personal belongings; especially since yesterday’s prompt asked us about any collections that we have. For as many collectibles as I use to…collect, there’s really not much there that i would be distraught to losing in some disaster.

I would have to say that some of my children’s things are probably the belongings that I hold most dear. The one that really stands out to me would be photos of all 3 of us together – particularly with them being so young and growing up so quickly. Most of it is random stuff: a shirt that Kid 2 wore as a baby; a tacky desk nick-nack that Kid 1 got me as a Christmas gift when he was old enough to really understand the concept of gift-giving; or maybe even a score card from a mini-golf game we all played together.

When people’s houses are on fire… what’s the first thing they save after their pets and loved ones are safe? The family photos.

One Hour Photo (2002)

I think these random keepsakes hold a lot of meaning to me because we don’t see each other every day. I see Kid 1 less than I see Kid 2 because of the distance between us. Then it’s even more rare for all three of us to get together.

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The article “Something to Remind Me” first appeared on Rebuilding Rob.

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