that’s a bunch of baloney!

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Daily writing prompt
Which food, when you eat it, instantly transports you to childhood?

baloney, perhaps my all-time favorite lunchmeat, always transports me back to childhood. As a little kid, I ate bologna sandwiches for lunch, pretty much every day.

The legend in my family goes that one day, my mom came home from the grocery store and was unloading groceries. I was probably about four years old and I was sitting on the living room floor watching TV. As mother was bringing groceries in, I apparently went into one of the bags and grab the brand new pack of bologna that she had just purchased. I took the baloney with me back into the living room watching TV. Our family dog, as is probably instinct for them with “people fruit” follow me over to my spot on the floor. I proceeded open up the pack of baloney. By the time, my mom and my sister came up upon me on the floor I was. Literally dealing slices between the dog and me saying out loud “One for you. One for me.“ But it was already too late. By the time, my mother and my sister got there, the dog, and I had finished off the entire pack.

Somewhere along the way In my school in career – 3rd or 4th grade – I just got sick of it. At that point, I stopped eating them until I got into high school.

And then, once I got into high school I ate them until I moved out to go to college. After college, once I was getting settled in on my own, I picked up the habit again. And well, I don’t scarfed them down at quite the paste that I used to, I still enjoy baloney to this day.

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The article “that’s a bunch of baloney!“ first appeared on Rebuilding Rob.

5 responses to “that’s a bunch of baloney!”

  1. Susan Taylor Avatar

    this is such a cute story about you sharing with the dog. probably not so cute for your mother!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Precious Wihioka Avatar


    Liked by 2 people

  3. Muasya Wakilango Avatar

    It’s fascinating how certain foods, like baloney in your case, can hold such nostalgic power, transporting us back to our childhoods with just a taste or smell. Your story about sneaking away with a whole pack of baloney and sharing it with the family dog is both amusing and endearing—it vividly captures the innocence and mischief of childhood.

    It’s also interesting how our tastes evolve over time. What was once a daily lunchtime staple eventually fell out of favor, only to be rediscovered later in life, bringing back memories of simpler times. Despite the changes in your relationship with baloney over the years, it’s clear that it holds a special place in your heart and palate.

    Thank you for sharing your personal journey with baloney—it’s a reminder of how food connects us not only to our pasts but also to the stories and memories that shape us. I enjoyed reading about your experiences, and I look forward to exploring more of your reflections on Rebuilding Rob.

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  4. MyGenXerLife Avatar

    I love sandwiches… so naturally love bologna. I tried to cut out nitrates a year ago… so I miss it…

    Liked by 1 person

  5. MaryG Avatar

    Now you’re making me flashback to the commercial where they spelled it out: B-O-L-O-G-N-A

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