Goin’ out

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This past Saturday night, I did something I haven’t done in a while: I went out.

It was more than that. An old buddy of mine from college – I’ll call him The Butcher – DJs at a bar. I’ve been seeing The Butcher’s Facebook posts plugging the bar he works for a few years. Unfortunately, the nights he DJs usually fall on the weekends that i have Kid 2. Somehow, the stars aligned this week, so i went.

I haven’t seen The Butcher in at least 10 years, so it was nice to catch up. Even though we weren’t each other’s best friends back in the day, we have the kind of friendship where you ca not talk for 10 years, meet up and get back up to speed pretty quickly.

It’s weird because this bar was very much “my scene” 25 years ago, or even 20. While I enjoyed the crowd and the music, it just felt…off. Maybe it was because I went there alone. Even in the past, going to a club with, let’s say, a date was different that going with a group of friends. During this outing on Saturday night, I found myself looking at my phone a lot. Granted, part if that had to do with the fact that I was having a text conversation with 2 different women that night. But i think that drives home my overall point even further. The world has changed a lot on the last 25 years, For that matter, I have changed; even more than I realize.

In addition to meeting up with The Butcher, I ran into a former friend who I will call The Hick. The Hick was another guy who i went to the bars with back in college. The Butcher and I actually met through the Hick. The Hick was our fiend-in-common, if you will.

The Hick and I have had no contact in nearly 10 years. we had a major falling over an incident regarding X2. Without getting it details, he did something that made X2 uncomfortable and it infuriated me. I spoke with the Hick about it the next day. He apologized to me for it. I told him to apologize to X2 and he never did. That’s when I cut him off completely.

Needless to say, talking to The Hick again – and seemingly burying the hatchet between us – was awkward. I’m still mad over what he did to X2, even though her, and I broke up years ago. And I think more than that, what he did to X2 was also a slight against me. That’s what upset me the most. But with so many things about X2 now, I am just trying to let things go.

This was a very strange night, as I probably should’ve expected it to be. I was trying to step back into my element; which is really no longer my element. To me, that was just another reminder that I’m getting older. The funny thing is that while I’m talking about feeling old, there were people even older than me in this particular bar that night. Also I knew that I would be catching up with The Butcher, and while I knew there was a possibility of running into The Hick, I had expected it. All things considered, I think I handled the situation about as well as I could have.

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The article “Goin’ Out” originally appeared on Rebuilding Rob

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