I Wanna Be A Bear

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What is your favorite animal?

When I saw this prompt, I had the feeling it was being a bit repetitive. I wrote about something similar HERE

It was at some point in my adult life that I realized that I really, really like bears. I can’t exactly put my finger on how this came about though.

When I see a bear, they are ferociously, strong, intelligent, and also have a bit of a playful side to them. At least whenever I’ve seen them in a zoo or some nature documentary, All of the above is true.

Two bears playing, as their parent looks on.

There’s something very simple about bears. I suppose they’re just like any other wild animal, they eat, they gather food, they take care of their young.. But even in their ferocity, there is something cute about them. I don’t think it’s an accident that teddy bears were created; as opposed to teddy fish or teddy lions.

Right now I could just go ahead and plagiarize some facts about bears from Wikipedia; but that would be too easy. Likewise, I could just have ChatGPT crank out some information about bears, but that would just be disingenuous as well. If you want to learn more about bears, do a search on the Google machine. Better yet, the next time you’re at the zoo, check them out.

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The article β€œI Wanna Be A Bear” first appeared in Rebuilding Rob

2 responses to “I Wanna Be A Bear”

  1. 000,000,000'Shine Avatar

    Someone iwes you a ‘bear hug’ . . .
    πŸ˜† 🀣 πŸ˜‚


  2. 000,000,000'Shine Avatar



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