Rob Reviews…”Batman and Me”

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This weekend, while I was perusing Amazon Prime Video for some Batman related content to watch, I stumbled upon Batman and Me a 2020 Australian documentary. It tells the story of Darren Maxwell, a man who spent years, and thousands of dollars, establishing a reputation as “The Batman Collector” of Australia.

From the title and Prime’s thumbnail, I thought this would be a documentary focusing on Batman’s impact on popular culture, as seen form a super fan’s perspective. To my surprise, Batman and Me is somewhat depressing look at the lengths people will go to to feed their collecting addictions.

The main focus of the move is Maxwell’s “Batman Room” – a room in his house dedicated to his Batman movie collectibles – covering the 4 movies Batman, Batman Returns, Batman Forever and Batman & Robin. As the movie goes on, we learn about Maxwell’s other collectibles, his shopping addiction and his desire for a sense of belonging; which he seeks out on the pop culture fandom community. 

Darren Maxwell, in his Batman room

To be honest, its a depressing story. As Maxwell tries to convince the cameras he is “over” his collecting addiction, the filmmakers make it obvious he isn’t. But that is what addicts do: convincing the world that they are okayy when they’re not. Incidentally, this documentary ties in a bit with my response to today’s WordPress prompt.

FINAL TAKE: If you’re interested in the shopping/collecting/fandom addiction, this may be worth your time. But if you’re just looking for something Batman related to watch, its not worth your time at 1:24. The Batman collection was just a result of much bigger problems for Maxwell. 

Batman and Me is currently available for streaming on Amazon Prime Video.

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The article “Rob Reviews…Batman and Me” originally appeared on Rebuilding Rob

3 responses to “Rob Reviews…”Batman and Me””

  1. Kevin Avatar

    Thanks for the review, Rob. I think I’ll avoid. There’s already enough depressing crap in the world as it is!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. rebuilding rob Avatar

      Yeah I was kinda hoping for more of a deep dive into Batman’s impact on popular culture.

      This was just a bummer. I kinda felt sorry for the guy.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Kevin Avatar

        That’s what I’d have hoped for too. I don’t need that kind of energy at the moment. Even if it is only a documentary.
        Great review though! 👍👍

        Liked by 1 person

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