Writing vs. Living

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Bloganuary writing prompt
What do you enjoy doing most in your leisure time?

C’mon WordPress! I thought Bloganuary was supposed to be all about new and original prompts. These are starting to get repetitive now. Two days ago, I wrote about 5 Things I do for Fun. I guess this is the price I pay for writing every day. 

Back in October, when we were prompted with the question “What are you Currently working on?”. As you can guess by the fact that I’m doing this every day now, I like to blog most in my leisure time.

The problem with me writing so much right now is that I’m afraid that I am writing more about my experiences than I am actually out there MAKING new experiences. As always, it’s all about striking a balance for me.

Thanks for stopping by Rebuilding Rob. Be sure to like, comment and subscribe to my blog below. It’s greatly appreciated! Also, feel free to follow me on social media as well! Check out my most recent posts as well as some earlier related posts:

The article “writing vs. Living” first appeared on Rebuilding Rob

4 responses to “Writing vs. Living”

  1. Glossarists Avatar

    otally get the frustration with repetitive prompts! Writing every day can be a challenge, finding that balance between sharing experiences and making new ones. Your dedication to blogging is impressive. Looking forward to more on Rebuilding Rob!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. rebuilding rob Avatar


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  2. @1942dicle Avatar

    I get so cranky when just when I’m fleshing out my characters (in my current book in progress) if I’m distracted with any sounds of life around me. So deep in concentration, living in the plot…some leisure time! Dee Tezelli, author of 24+books on Amazon Kindle

    Liked by 2 people

    1. rebuilding rob Avatar

      I also find that when I’m writing , or reading, I can’t have any other distractions around me.


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