It’s not a bad little tree…

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Write about a few of your favorite family traditions.

I feel like this prompt has been done before, and I’m only going to write about one particular family tradition. It’s not one from my immediate family growing up; but rather a tradition of MY family; namely Kid 1, Kid 2 and I.

A few years back, on my way to see Kid 1 in South Carolina during the holidays, I stopped at a Walmart in West Virginia. I think I stopped there because I wanted to stretch my legs, get out of the car and walk for a few minutes.

This was a day or two after Christmas. So, like so many other stores at this time of year, Wal Mart had their holiday decorations marked down to clearance prices. I saw this 6 1/2′ pre-light Christmas – normally $100 marked down to $40. As you can imagine by the price, it wasn’t anything fancy. I bought it completely on a whim. After all, I figured: Hey, $40 Christmas tree. Maybe I’ll put it up next year. So I bought it, stuffed it into my car and packed it away when I got home.

It still looks better than this. I think…

The next year, when I went to see Kid 1 again at Christmas, I rented an Air Bnb. Kid 2 was riding down with me, so I packed the tree, my Christmas ornaments and the kids presents. I put up the tree at the Air Bnb, lit it, and decorated it. I even bought a few more decorations in town that year to finish it off.

I just wanted it to be OUR Christmas, with OUR Christmas tree, I know it probably sounds corny; but when your kids live 13 hours and one hour (respectively) from you and you don’t all get together more than a few times every year, you want to make it count.

Since them the tree has followed us, being a part of our Christmas celebrations; whether we were in Michigan or South Carolina; at hone, in a hotel or even in an AirBnb. I know its so much more about what it represents than anything else; but still, I love my $40 WalMart Christmas tree. I getting emotional even writing about it now. Call me corny, I’ll embrace it.

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The article “It’s not a bad little tree…” originally appeared on Rebuilding Rob

3 responses to “It’s not a bad little tree…”

  1. MyGenXerLife Avatar

    That’s a cool tradition. I know your kids appreciate the sentiment and I can imagine when they are older adults, they’ll smile and say “hey dad. Remember that Walmart tree you used to have?” Great tradition

    Liked by 1 person

    1. rebuilding rob Avatar

      Thanks. I think with both of my boys living with their moms most of the time, I tend to latch on to the things that say “this is our family. This is us” more than I might otherwise.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. MyGenXerLife Avatar

        No worries. I think that’s cool.

        Liked by 1 person

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