Vince McMahon: Future Endeavored

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I’ve been a fan of professional, wrestling, more specifically, WWE, for the better part of the last 40 years. during that time, we’ve all heard stories about Vince McMahon‘s authoritarian style of running the company. We’ve heard stories about his ego, his involvement in numerous numerous criminal and civil cases over the years, but it sounds like this one will be the finish of his involvement with WWE, once, and for all.

In a news story that broke Thursday, Vince McMahon has been accused of sexual assault and trafficking in a new lawsuit.You can read the complaint, as filed by the attorney for plaintiff Janel Grant HERE. It’s sick. There’s sexual assault, rape, human trafficking, physical assault, bribery, blackmail and manipulation. It’s A LOT to digest.

I know everybody wants to give the accused the benefit of the doubt, but the problem is, the timeline adds up with other stuff we know about WWE publicly:

  • It lines up with the whole hullabaloo about WWE “misappropriation of funds”. We now know that this is in reference to McMahon using company funds to pay off multiple NDA deals. Some of those people are listed in here as well.
  • It’s consistent with John Lauranitis getting abruptly terminated by the company.
  • It also jives with the timeline of “a certain WWE superstar, and former UFC champion“ waffling between a new WWE or new UFC contract; ultimately re-signing with WWE.

To say that I’m sick about the whole thing is an understatement. I was trying real hard tonight to separate the TV product from McMahon’s real-life activities, and I couldn’t. I turned off SmackDown less than five minutes into the show.

This image should have been enough to make me swear off WWE forever…

I feel sickened by the fact that I’ve given money to this company over the last four decades: buying tickets to their events, buying their merchandise, ordering pay per views, and for a short time subscribing to their WWE streaming network. The thought that any of my money could’ve made its way to Vince McMahon‘s wallet or contributed in any way to his sadistic acts over the decades is truly disturbing.

Tomorrow is one of WWE‘s marquee premium live events of the year, the Royal Rumble. Even when my fandom has waned over the years, the rumble is always a fun event; as new and returning superstars, as well as WWE legends, would make surprise appearances in the main event. Even though I’m able to stream the show for free, thanks to my Comcast Xfinity subscription, I don’t know that I can bring myself to watch it.

Slim Jim, one of the main sponsors for the show, announced earlier today that they are pulling their advertising from the event. As of 8:30 Thursday night, McMahon announced his resignation from the board of TKO (the organization that oversees both WWE and UFC ). If he didn’t resign, TKO would have had to shit-can him themselves. They had to stop the blood-letting and swing into damage control mode. Looking back now, I wonder if any of this contributed to his daughter, Stephanie‘s decision to resign from the company upon Vince’s return to power last year

I’m sure that the pro wrestling “dirt sheets“ and the Internet wrestling community (IWC) we be talking about this for the immediate future. I only hope that Ms. Grant is able to receive some semblance of justice on this matter. It just getting started.

In case some of you are wondering, “Future Endeavored” is a reference to WWE’s official announcements regarding the release of on-air talent. Their brief press statements usually end with the cliche “We wish him/her the best of luck in all their future endeavors”.

Thanks for stopping by Rebuilding Rob. Be sure to like, comment and subscribe to my blog below. It’s greatly appreciated! Also, feel free to follow me on social media as well! Check out my most recent posts as well as some earlier related posts:

The article “Vince McMahon: Future Endeavored” originally appeared on Rebuilding Rob.

11 responses to “Vince McMahon: Future Endeavored”

  1. Kevin Avatar

    I was reading that whole mess earlier. What a freaking debacle, man. Don’t even have the words, but you summed up my feelings pretty nicely as well.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. rebuilding rob Avatar

      Seriously! I had heard about it when the story broke Thursday, and then I finally read the legal complaint last night. At 67 pages, it is a lot to digest.

      I was still trying to process everything as I was writing that post last night.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Kevin Avatar

        I didn’t read the legal complaint, but I read a lengthy article and was pretty well nauseated by the end.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. rebuilding rob Avatar

        It sounds like you got the gist of it!

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Kevin Avatar

        Yes. I saw more than enough to know which way that ship was sailing.


    2. GodsChild Avatar

      I would love to learn how to fight Wanted to learn for a while.
      But my life took a different turn.Always men picking on me as
      Well as women on the street .why can’t they play by thy rules,that’s not fair creeping on someone
      Like that

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Kevin Avatar

        It is an unfortunate fact that some people with power will abuse it, as the old saying reminds us.

        You could still learn to fight if you wanted to. No harm in learning to defend oneself. A lot of places even offer free or deeply discounted women’s self-defense classes.

        Liked by 2 people

      2. GodsChild Avatar

        I’m in country Please I try to the don’t know me .

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Kevin Avatar

        Apologies if I offended you. It wasn’t my intention. Have a great evening.

        Liked by 1 person

      4. GodsChild Avatar

        You don’t offend me I’ll let you know
        I offend you let me know lol sometimes you offend me

        Liked by 1 person

      5. Kevin Avatar

        No worries. All good here! Hope you have a great day! 👍👍


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