Rob Reposts: The Astonishing Journey from Stranger to World-Meaningful

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The Silent Knight Blog, a blog that I follow, posted this article today. It is succinct and straight-forward. It talks about the miracle of a stranger coming into your life and becoming, as they describe it, world-meaningful.

However, on this Valentine’s Day, as I think about my own…singularity…I’m forced to think of the opposite. More to the point, I’m thinking about the way a spouse, fiancée, lover, partner, or even a friend not only leaves your life, but one day, gets promoted to stranger.

We’ve all had the experience of “friends passing in and out of our lives like busboys in a restaurant” but it’s an entirely different experience when its someone you once loved; someone you were intimated with; someone you committed to. There’s a void left in your life that you never really re-fill – and it’s ultimately for the best.

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The article “The Astonishing Journey from Stranger to World-Meaningful” appeared on The Silent Knight Blog.

The article “Rob Reposts…’The Astonishing Journey from Stranger to World-Meaningful’” first appeared on Rebuilding Rob.

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