Just another Valentine’s Day in America

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If you haven’t heard – and judging by the apathy with which it was received you may have missed it – there was a shooting in downtown Kansas City yesterday, following the Chiefs Super Bowl parade.

Investigators search for what motivated a shooting that left 1 dead and more than 20 wounded at Chiefs Super Bowl celebration

The bitter Lions fan in me can’t help but think: The Lions ALMOST made it to the Super Bowl.This could have happened in Detroit. But the truth is, the last 20 or so years have shown us that this can happen ANYWHERE. When did these attacks become so normalized? Do i even need to remind people of another mass shooting that happened 6 years ago on Valentine’s Day?

I don’t care why the shooter did it. I don’t want to hear about the 2nd Amendment. I don’t want to hear about how more cops are needed; there were 800 police officers covering the downtown area for the parade. I’m sick of hearing the right talk about and prayers. I’m sick of the left’s pleas for common sense gun laws falling on deaf ears. I’m just pissed.

At some point, there has to be a day of reckoning in this country. What’s it going to take? When NOTHING changed after the mass shooting at Sandy Hook almost 12 years ago, I knew the we were damned as a society. And until / unless we American learn to love each other – even more than we love our guns – THIS WILL HAPPEN AGAIN.


End of rant.

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The article “Just another day in America” originally appeared on Rebuilding Rob.

8 responses to “Just another Valentine’s Day in America”

  1. MaryG Avatar

    Parkland happened on Valentine’s Day too.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. rebuilding rob Avatar

      One of my links goes to a story about the anniversary yesterday.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Kevin Avatar

    I saw the article about the Chiefs shooting, but it was buried so far down in the feed, one could ahve been forgiven for missing it.
    When I was getting ready for class last week, I got a text alert that there had been a shooting near the school, but the suspect had fled, so no need for a lockdown. I texted a screen cap to a few friends, and one of them replied “Shots fired near ****, what a shock.” That’s how regular an occurrence it is.


    1. rebuilding rob Avatar

      you nailed it. The shootings in KC definitely got buried in the headlines because this has become so commonplace

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Kevin Avatar

        Indeed. I mean, even after the alert, I just shrugged, got ready and headed for school. It’s like it was just another day.

        And as far as KC, there were much more important things to discuss: Taylor and Kelce, is Mahomes a GOAT? You know, burning questions.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Amy Avatar

    The rate at which this apathy is happening towards shooting events is appalling. I’m sick of all of it just like you, Rob. It’s disgraceful. No one is even talking about this. It boggles the mind.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. rebuilding rob Avatar

      Unfortunately, I think the problem is it’s happening so frequently that it’s becoming common place. Now it’s just like background noise.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Amy Avatar

        I agree. And once that starts happening, there’s really no way back.

        Liked by 1 person

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