What Patriotism Means to Me

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Daily writing prompt
Are you patriotic? What does being patriotic mean to you?

 A really crazy thing has happened with patriotism in America over the last few decades. The right, like they do with so many other things including religion, morality and family values, has Co opted patriotism.

Unfortunately, there is a perception, as far fetched as it is, that since there are only really two viable political parties in America, if one party claims to be one thing, then the other party must automatically be the opposite. To that end, people seem to think that the political left is godless, immoral and rejects family values and patriotism as well.

Sadly, there is an entire demographic of Americans who confuse patriotism with chest thumping and dick- swinging. Chances are, you probably have an image of these people in your head right now. The ones who wear the american flag like an article of clothing.  These are the same people who think that they’re patriotism can be measured in the size of their flag; whether it be at their house or attached to their car. 

These people THINK that dressing this way makes them patriotic. They could not be more wrong.

To me, patriotism means loving your country, warts and all. Being a patriot means knowing that your country is not perfect, and striving to make it a more perfect place. Patriotism is knowing that not only is it your right to question the missteps of our government, but it also knowing it is your obligation to do so.

Yesterday, I stumbled across a clip of Henry Rollins giving a spoken word performance, where he talks about the constitution of South Africa. Here’s what he had to say:

Henry Rollins on the Preamble to South Africa’s Constitution

To his credit, Rollins has nearly the entire Preamble memorized verbatim. South Africa’s Constitution was written in 1996 and went into effect the following year. Keep in mind that Nelson Mandela was freed from prison AND apartheid was officially ended in South Africa just 6 years prior in 1990.

I bring these facts up because, as Rollins explains, South Africa gets it! They as a country acknowledge their oppressive and shameful past. Furthermore, the preamble states South Africa’s intention of not only being a free society for all its citizens, but also that her government will take its place alongside other world leaders.

Could you imagine if the United States took accountability for the sins of her own past? Could you imagine a new constitution for the United States that actually guaranteed people of all race, all creeds and all genders equal protection under the law, and meant it?

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The article “What Patriotism Means to Me” originally appeared on Rebuilding Rob.

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