The Star Franchises

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Daily writing prompt
What movies or TV series have you watched more than 5 times?

A disclaimer: I’m something of a pop culture, junkie – science-fiction in particular. OK, you can call me a nerd. Needless to say, there are probably several movies, and a few TV shows that I have seen more than five times. But for the sake of simplicity, I will, talk about the two franchises that come to mine quickest..

Star Wars

I cannot even count how many times I have watched the original Star Wars movies. The Star Wars franchise has been a part of my life for as long as i can remember.

It probably doesn’t help my cause that I’m still of the generation that remembers watching movies on TV as if it was some kind of event. If I’m home, and I find one of the Star Wars movies on, chances are, I will probably turn it on and watch it – even if it’s only there is background noise.

I don’t have anywhere near the nostalgic attachment to “the prequel trilogy“ as I have to the original Star Wars trilogy. As for Disney’s “sequel trilogy“, at this point, those are just movies to me.

The Star Trek franchise

I got into Star Trek back when The Next Generation premiered in 1987. Even at that age, I was familiar with the original Star Trek, the characters in the gist of what the series was about. I remember TNG getting ready to premiere and thinking “this will be a good, jumping-on point. This will be my Star Trek.”

I watched TNG all the way through. It’s series finale in 1994. I was on board from day one with its spin off, deep space nine in 1993. I watched roughly half of the Voyager and enterprise series. But by then, my interest in the franchise was waning. Evidently, this was true of many fans as the ratings were in the decline.

I would catch a rerun from time to time on cable, and what’s the shows arrived on Netflix, I would watch them occasionally. But it wasn’t until the Covid lockdown of four years ago when I discovered it over the air channel called H&I (heroes and icons). The station is owned by CVS/Paramount and features the studios action/adventure programs over the years. Six nights a week, they air, Star Trek, Star Trek, the next generation, Star Trek, Deep Space 9, Star Trek, Voyager, and Star Trek enterprise from 8 PM until 1 AM Eastern time.

Perhaps the greatest lesson I’ve ever learned in my life, came from Star Trek: The Next Generation

When we were stuck at home during the first phase of the lockdown, I turned on HI just for comfort purposes. Fast forward four years later and the all night Star Trek block is my go to primetime television programming.

To make a short story long, it would be almost impossible for me to tell you how many times I have watched the various Star Trek shows from beginning to end.

Both of these franchises are my comfort viewing. They have been with me for the better part of my life. At this point, I will probably watch reruns of Star Trek The Next Generation for the rest of my life.

To be honest with you, I don’t think I would have any other way.

What are some television shows or movie franchises that you have watched at least five times?

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The article “The Star franchises” first appeared on Rebuilding Rob.

12 responses to “The Star Franchises”

  1. Liz Avatar

    Star Trek and Star Wars I will have watched many times too with watching them from when I was at school. So goodness knows how many times I have seen them.


  2. MaryG Avatar

    I’ll never forget seeing the original Star Wars when it opened in theaters in the 70s. Best movie-going experience of my life!


  3. Darcy Branwyn Avatar
    Darcy Branwyn

    Good choices. I grew up on Star Trek and Star Wars.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. rebuilding rob Avatar

      Which is your favorite Star Trek series? Your favorite Star Wars movie?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Darcy Branwyn Avatar
        Darcy Branwyn

        Next Generation and Return of the Jedi. Data is my favorite character.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Kevin Avatar

    I know I am in a minority, but I loved Enterprise. lol
    I watched all the series, but I have not jumped into the latest entries that started with Discovery, etc.
    Star Wars? Too many times to count. 😄

    Liked by 1 person

    1. rebuilding rob Avatar

      I was fine with Enterprise, with the exceptions of season 3.

      Season 2 of Discovery was an absolute grind to get through. Season 2 gives us the Captain Pike Enterprise, a high leads into the Strange New Worlds spin-off. SNW is the best thing they have done in the “New Trek” era.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Kevin Avatar

        I have heard SNW is really good. I’d like to check it out one of these days.
        Grind. I felt that way about season 1 of DS9. 😄


      2. rebuilding rob Avatar

        *season 1 of discovery was the grind.


  5. MyGenXerLife Avatar

    I heard an interesting thing the other day. It compared Star Trek and Star Wars’ vision for the future. Star Trek was one of hope and Star Wars was dark. I’m not enough of an aficionado to say yes or no definitively, but it made sense to me. Thoughts?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. rebuilding rob Avatar

      I don’t really think of Star Wars as “a dark vision of the future“. I tend to think of it more as “a sci-fi fairytale“

      Star Trek is definitely a bright, optimistic view of the future. But even in Star Trek “future history” humanity is going to have some dark times before things get better. Thankfully, we’re going to get it all figured out.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. MyGenXerLife Avatar

        Good to know. I’ve only really watched the original Star Trek series. It always ended on the optimistic side. I can see the darkness in Star Wars. But I’ve only watched a few of the films.


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