What makes Rob laugh?

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Daily writing prompt
What makes you laugh?

Next to “what is scary” I think the hardest question for a writer to answer is “what is funny?” Thankfully, the questions is slightly less difficult in that it is asking “What make me laugh?”

Of slapstick, boogers, and farts
Every now and then, you just have to be a goof.

I think it really depends on my mood. Of course, different things have made me laugh at different times in my life. For example, when I was in my late teens in early 20s, namely, my college years, I really had no place in my life for slapstick humor – the lights of which was making Jim Carrey a very wealthy man. but something happened a few years after I got out of college. I sat down and watched Dumb & Dumber, and I actually enjoyed it. I just took the movie at face value. It was dumb. Dumb humor, goofy stuff. It wasn’t trying to be highbrow humor by any stretch of the imagination and sometimes that’s perfectly OK.

Highbrow humor for the mind

On the other hand, sometimes I like highbrow humor. I like humor that makes you think a little; humor that you have to have a little bit of background knowledge in order to understand. The show Fraser comes to mine when I think of eyebrow humor. No, it’s true, that you did not have to be an intellectual to understand all the humor on that show, but every now and then, there were moments where it definitely helped.

Camp, or theater of the absurd

Camp is kind of a weird style of humor. If you could make it work, it’s brilliant. But a lot of people can’t pull it off. I think of the 1966 Batman TV series that’s probably the greatest example of camp. Starr, Adam West referred to it as “theater of absurd“.

Serious? Or seriously funny? Or both?

The great thing about Batman was that kids could get one thing from it and that they saw a superhero and dire peril and thought “this is serious!“ Where is your older brother or their dad may have left hysterically at the fact that Batman and Robin were being tied to barbecue grills while sitting on giant magnifying glasses. Joel Schumacher attempted, and failed spectacularly, to inject a bit of camp style humor into Batman Forever and Batman & Robin. Plus, it didn’t help that audiences weren’t ready to go back to a campy Batman quite yet.

This is, by no means an all-encompassing list of everything that makes me laugh; but I think you get the idea.

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The article “what makes Rob laugh” first appeared on Rebuilding Rob

5 responses to “What makes Rob laugh?”

  1. AdamFenner Avatar

    Yeah, this one was really hard.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. rebuilding rob Avatar

      A few years back, I was trying my hand I script -writing with a friend of mine. We were trying to write comedy. I kept saying over and over again that one of the hardest questions for anybody in the world to answer is “what is funny?”


  2. MaryG Avatar

    As kids, we loved the original Batman series. POW. BAM. It was campy, you’re right!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. rebuilding rob Avatar

      I remember watching reruns of the show when I was very little and thinking how serious it was!

      And then the reruns started showing up on cable TV right around the time that the 1989 Batman movie was releasing. I was 15 at that point, so I was old enough to really understand the humor. It was pretty cool to get something COMPLETELY different out of a show that I had grown up with!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. MaryG Avatar

        I didn’t realize the TV show made a comeback in the 80s. Interesting.


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