Standing Out From the Crowd

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Daily writing prompt
Which aspects do you think makes a person unique?

I think, in a lot of ways, asking what makes a person unique is like asking one what makes a person appealing or even attractive. I’m going to apologize in advance. I really went all over the place with this prompt. I considered scrapping this post and just going with something short and witty; but I think I have the kernels of some good thoughts here.

Being unique means more than just being a non-conformist. After all, someone can strictly decide to do or like the things they do so my because others do not. I guess, I its own way that’s a basic form of being unique. At least it shows a desire to stand out from the crowd. But contrarianism is a form. of conformity itself when you think about it. One makes a conscious effort to jay do the positive of whatever the masses are doing.

It takes some effort in developing one’s own set of morals, values and interests. I’m some respects, some of those qualities match up with the mainstream public. Other times, one cal feel that a person puts some independent thought into their interests and truly matches to the best of their own proverbial drum. Here are a few qualities that I consider when I decide whether or not I think a person is “unique”.

There’s a woman I’ve referred to in this blog as The Chanteuse HERE. I think we met on one of the dating apps a few years back For some reason, we’ve never actually gone out but she’s always been one of the more unique people I know. I wish her and I were more in each other’s orbits.

The only thing about a person like The Chanteuse is that I think I’ve built her up in my head to be cooler than she really is. we hung out for a it after her band performed that night, but that experience was almost like seeing how a magician performs magic tricks.

The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation

Henry David Thoreau
Their taste in music

This was especially important to me when I was younger. Maybe it’s a generational thing, I’m.not sure; but I’ve always been drawn to people who didn’t just accept what the masses were telling them was good music. I’ve always respected people who have a broad range of musical interests. That is to say people who like music than spans the different genres – simply because it’s good.

fashion, comfort and confidence

As a species, our perceptions are heavily based on visuals. In order to be unique on a planet of 7 billion people, one needs to stand out from the proverbial crowd. Most of us do this through our appearance. After all it is the first impression we give others.

One doesn’t need to be following the latest fashion trends to look good or to feel good. But more than a sense of fashion, I think I’m talking about confidence, or at least projecting confidence to others. I think it takes a truly unique person to be comfortable and happy with themselves

Having independent thoughts and views

Henry David Thoreau, one of America’s great non-for it’s once said “the mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation”. Speaking up and speaking out is often frowned upon. Most people choose to put their head down, keep their mouth about and go in abut their lives.

But the truth is that nothing ever changes without some dissent. I think, especially here in America, it’s important to not only know, but understand that we don’t have all the answers to everything. There is a lot that we can learn from the rest of the world – not only what works but also what doesn’t work.

Perhaps my all-time favorite, pro wrestler, the success of CM Punk lies very much in the fact that he is a walking contradiction of what a pro wrestler is expected to be

Too often, arbiters of change are met with resistance and even violence. I’m not saying that one needs to start a revolution or become a martyr to be considered unique. But I think one need to have some dissenting views or being in the minority at times in order it be considered truly unique.

I mentioned The Chanteuse earlier because she strikes me as one of the most unique people I know. Maybe that’s what I find so appealing and so attractive about her. I get the sense that there’s this amazing tapestry of events and influences that has affected the very fabric of her life.

Or maybe she’s just another weirdo from downriver. Either way, I need to shit or get off the pot with that one.

It’s always a woman with me, isn’t it? This is how I know I’m starting to feel like myself again: I’m always writing about women. Talk about quiet desperation…

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The article “Standing Out From the Crowd“ first appeared on Rebuilding Rob

4 responses to “Standing Out From the Crowd”

  1. Kevin Avatar

    You got something far more substantial out of this prompt than I did, Rob. Kudos lol
    And yes, you indeed have some good thoughts there. 👍

    Liked by 1 person

    1. rebuilding rob Avatar

      Thanks Kevin! I was definitely spitballing there for a bit!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Kevin Avatar

        I know the feeling! 😄
        It is a concise post with a lot of great observations.


  2. Chris Avatar

    Congrats Rob, you were given an almost cliché daily prompt and turned it into a meaningful response, speckled with lots of wisdom pearls about life.

    And women. In the end, it always comes back to women and the (major) influence on men’s lives. Rob, you could be a great philosopher, you know 😊 Thanks for this revealing post.


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