Peter Venkman’s Apocalypse

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What animals make the best/worst pets?

For my money, dogs make the best house pets. I’ve taught at length previously about the unwavering loyalty that dogs show to their humans. Sad, now, whenever I see these TikTok videos of dogs. In my way they interact with humans I will always say something to the effective “we as humans are unworthy of the love and loyalty that dogs show us.”

Having said that, I’m going to say the cats are a second best pet for humans. In fact, I would rate dogs as 1A, and cats as 1B. I see this is a life flow “dog guy”. I think people are because dogs are much more hands-on, and overly affectionate than cats that cats are more loving than dogs. However, as anyone who has ever owned a cat will tell you, this is not true. Cats are just as devoted to their humans as dogs are. Cats just show it in different ways.

On the other hand, snakes are, without a doubt the worst pet for humans. That’s nothing against snakes, they are just too far removed from human beings as reptiles. For me, I’ve never had any desire to own a snake as a pet, let alone spin much time with one. Maybe it is because they are so… Alien, for the lack of a better term. They have no arms, and no legs. The most they can do is slither around the room. In most cases, they will just sit in an aquarium or a tub.

To that end, fish are a close second – worst pet for humans. I understand it owning a fish tank is a lot of fun. One could decorate or design a fish tank to make it resemble the ocean. Some people choose freshwater fish over saltwater fish. But even the notion of containing a fish in a sliver of natural environment seems kind of barbaric to me. That’s just the way I see it. I’m not calling fish owners barbarians by any stretch of the imagination.

And your opinion, what animals make the best and worst pets for humans?

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The article ”Peter Venkman’s Apocalypse ” first appeared on Rebuilding Rob.

4 responses to “Peter Venkman’s Apocalypse”

  1. Ernie Federspiel Avatar

    Right now I have a snapping turtle. I kept it as a pet through the winter as I found it right before it turned cols and it being a baby I decided to help it survive. No opinion on it being good or bad, just saving a life.

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  2. MyGenXerLife Avatar

    Growing up, we had a neighbor that was a high school science teacher. Over the summer, he would bring home his classroom snake. When they went on summer vacation, we would feed “Alice”. We’d go to the pet store and bring home a little mouse in a paper lunch bag. It was fun as a kid feeding her, but I don’t think I’d ever get one. What if it ever escaped in the house? Gross.

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  3. AdamFenner Avatar

    I like fish, Reptiles are like nature’s robots. They are what they are and dow what they do. Mammals, are sneaky creatures.

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