My idea of having it all

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Daily writing prompt
What does “having it all” mean to you? Is it attainable?

For most Americans, “having it all” means being wealthy; or at least, being wealthy enough that they never have to work again.

I hear women talk about “having it all” and they usually mean having a career and a family. That is to say that they don’t have to sacrifice one on order to have the other. Even today, in 2024, I think there is still this expectation that women are to find a husband, get married, and raise kids. Well, most people, except for that kicker from the Kansas City Chiefs.

Too often, we fall into what society tells us happiness entails. Can people be happy without being and still have to work for money? Absolutely. Do women have to choose between starting a family and having a career? No. Why should they have to?

The older I get, the more I believe in the idea that we have everything we need within us to succeed. To that end, the message in the above image really hits home. Sometimes when we look too hard for happiness, we fail to recognize that we have it right in front of us.

Can it really be this simple?

Looking at my own life, on the surface, I think it’ll be easy to say “how can Rob be happy?” And divorced. Neither of my sons lives with me; nor do I spend anywhere near as much time with him as I would like to. I am currently dating, however, I don’t really see any prospects for a permanent partner on the horizon as of now. my current plan for retirement is death. I am neither financially qualified, nor anywhere near willing to stop working.

Do I have “it all”? I guess not. Could I have more? Sure. but, as a late 20th century rapper once a pin “more money, more problems“. I would love to be filthy rich. But at the same time, I would not want all the additional complications that comes with that level of money.

Do I have enough? For the moment, yes. I have peace. I would say that I have probably have more peace now than I have had at any other time in my life. For the most part, I have happiness. I have not acquired happiness; rather I have discovered happiness. I complain about my job; but the truth is, I love it. I cannot imagine myself doing anything else. While I wish I had more time with my boys, I value the time that I do have with them. Furthermore, I think I value the time that I have with them because I have also learned to value my “grown up” time as well. I guess to answer this prompt, for me: “having it all”means peace and happiness.

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The article “My Idea of Having it All” first appeared on Rebuilding Rob.

4 responses to “My idea of having it all”

  1. AdamFenner Avatar

    I didn’t reply to this prompt as thoughtfully as you did, but everyone talks about what they want, never what they will give to get it.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. rebuilding rob Avatar

      I kind of feel like I only half- completed this one. I wanted to elaborate on it more. Maybe I’ll go back and finish it up.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. AdamFenner Avatar

        I don’t know, not everything needs to be said. We can call it white space for the reader to fill in.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. rebuilding rob Avatar

        I like that! We leave it open to interpretation.


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