Empathy and Compassion

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Daily writing prompt
What are you good at?

I like to think that I’m good at writing. Whether I’m any good at it or not, here I am.

But I think I’m good at explaining things to people; even getting them to see things from another perspective. I suppose as a teacher and a parent, that important. That’s not something I learned. I think it was always within me and i just had to cultivate it.

I think another thing I’m good is is having compassion for others. I know for a fact that that is something that one can simply learn.

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One response to “Empathy and Compassion”

  1. Compassion and youthfulness – Rebuilding Rob Avatar

    […] touched down on this subject in a recent post HERE, but we’ll do this again. My favorite things about myself are my compassion for others and […]


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