The days before

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Daily writing prompt
Do you remember life before the internet?

Before answer today’s prompt, I want to make a note of the fact that today is Memorial Day here in America. Historically, it is a day to pay tribute to those men and women who gave their lives defending this country. Unofficially, it is the start of summer in America here as well. But I still have two weeks of school left, but I digress.

I am 50 and the Internet has been a part of this world for roughly half of my life. Still, sometimes it is hard for me to remember what life was like before the Internet.

I was in college when I had heard a few was my friends were attending school at Michigan State were getting assignments given to them by the professors via email.

Until this point, we were still doing everything on paper. We’re buying a checking out hardcopy books from the library. Old newspaper in articles to be either via hardcopy or printed from microfilm and microfiche.

At this point, we are still registering for classes, either with academic advisor, or stay in line. In fact, I remember the very first semester in which my college enabled students to register for classes over the telephone. 

I remember filling out deposit slips and withdrawal slips from my bank by hand, and getting carbon copies of them as a form of receipt.

We discovered music via MTV, the radio, or word of mouth. If we want to amass a music collection, CD clubs like Columbia house or BMG were our best option.

I remember standing in line or even camping out in some instances, to guarantee a chance to get tickets for my favorite concert. And speaking of tickets, the actual paper tickets which we got were surefire souvenirs from concerts as well as sporting events.

We have access to much more information, and at a much faster speed, than we did in the days before the Internet. But at the same time, social media has exacerbated some of the absolute worst qualities of humanity. Because of our 24 seven news media and social media, we have this notion in our heads that are somehow even more despicable than they’ve ever been. This isn’t the case. The problem is that we hear so much more about the negative aspects of humanity than we ever did before. We, as a species, are just as good – and just as bad – as we have ever been.

But even I must admit that I’m a sucker for those videos of people doing nice things for each other. 

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The article “The Days Before” first appeared on Rebuilding Rob

11 responses to “The days before”

  1. MaryG Avatar

    Deposit slips, Columbia House….good ones!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. rebuilding rob Avatar

      I remember going into my bank one day, during the Y2K scare, and casually bringing it up in conversation with a teller. The teller responded with “yeah but you know the great thing about things that we keep paper copies of everything.”

      At least they did back then…

      Liked by 1 person

  2. MyGenXerLife Avatar

    I forgot Columbia House… wow

    Liked by 1 person

    1. rebuilding rob Avatar

      I remember, I had a buddy who actually opened two different Columbia house accounts by putting one under a different first name.

      Yeah, he was that hell-bent on a amassing a large CD collection.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. MyGenXerLife Avatar

        I often wondered how Columbia House made money…

        Liked by 1 person

      2. rebuilding rob Avatar

        Once you got your 10 albums for a penny, or whatever it was, you were also agreeing to buy six albums at the regular price over the next two or three years.

        I remember CDs being like 16 or $18 after taxes.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. MyGenXerLife Avatar

        I think most people never bought the additional CDs

        Liked by 1 person

      4. rebuilding rob Avatar

        I tried that once, until I got a friendly collections letter…

        Liked by 1 person

      5. MyGenXerLife Avatar


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  3. Mr. B Avatar

    Those were the good old days, well sometimes. It seemed like whatever book I wanted was always checked out😂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. rebuilding rob Avatar

      At least we know people were reading then!


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