Spiritual, but not religious

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Daily writing prompt
Do you practice religion?


I was raised Catholic, at my mother’s choosing – but I am, by no means a practicing Catholic. I consider myself “spiritual, but not religious”. At least, that’s how i describe myself on the dating apps. Religious groups, particularly here in America, have aligned themselves with the political right. In my opinion, that puts them on wrong side of history in 2024. Of course, doing something really stupid and morally reprehensible has never stopped organized religion before.

I don’t have a problem with people of faith, or even religion as a concept. My problem is with organized religion. Like we do with so many other things, humans have tainted, corrupted, prostituted and outright bastardized religion as a construct. And the fact of the matter is, throughout human, more wars have been fought over different culture’s gods than any other reason in the history of the human race.

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The article “Spiritual, But Not Religious” first appeared on Rebuilding Rob.

3 responses to “Spiritual, but not religious”

  1. Darcy Branwyn Avatar
    Darcy Branwyn

    Understandable. I was raised Christian, married someone from a strict right wing family (have to admit that part isn’t so bad in a man since he came a ready-made family man 😊) but we don’t go to church, it’s just gotten insane here in the US.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. refilwecharitym Avatar

    Best content ever

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Rebuilding the spirit – Rebuilding Rob Avatar

    […] Spiritual, but not religious […]

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