Rob the proletarian

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Daily writing prompt
What jobs have you had?

I have had A LOT of jobs over the course of my life. X2 used to criticize me for this; suggesting that I must not have been a good employee if I didn’t stay anywhere for any extended period of time. I always thought that the lack of gaps in my employment said more about my work ethic than anything that changing job may have said. That, and it was hilariously ironic that X2 would say this about me when she was, in fact, unemployed.

My first job, like a lot of kids of my generation, was delivering newspapers. For a pre-teen, this was probably the best money i could make per hour, legally anyway. But my first “official” tax=paying job was one I got in junior high. I did stock at my local party store. This was way back when the minimum in the Unites States as $3.35 per hour.

Beyond that I washed dishes at a senior living community, I’ve worked in fast food. I owned my own landscaping company. I filmed weddings with The Old Man. I worked retail including an office supply store, a music store, a video store. I’ve worked at big box retailers. I’ve worked in wireless communications; both retail and in a call-center. I’ve been a substitute as well as a full-time teacher. Needless to say, I’m not afraid of a hard day’s work.

What jobs have you held?

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The article “Rob the Proletarian” first appeared on Rebuilding Rob.

One response to “Rob the proletarian”

  1. Mr. B Avatar

    X2 sounds like a piece of work😂

    Liked by 1 person

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