The Redneck and a Lesson in Loyalty

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Daily writing prompt
What quality do you value most in a friend?

Loyalty; and it’s not even close.

I’ve had friends whom I haven’t always agreed with; friends with whom I have had different ideologies. The one character trait that I cannot deny or ignore is loyalty. I wrote a bit about loyalty in a previous post HERE.

For the record, I’m not talking about that mafia style loyalty that Donald Trump talks about. Do you know the one, where he thinks for him as a demonstration of their loyalty. Far for, I’m talking about the kind of loyalty where a person is willing to stand by your side; thick or thin.

I’ve written before about a friend that I met in college, The Hick. When I first met him back when I was in college, it would be a gross understatement who have described him as “rough around the edges“. He was crass. He said a lot of stupid stuff that wasn’t very politically correct even in the 1990s.  He mellowed out over time , however. And I would like to think that I had some influence upon him. 

But as much as the Hick would piss me off at times. I also knew that he was by far, the most loyal friend I’ve ever had. He was the kind of guy that would’ve laid in traffic if I asked him to. When someone demonstrates that kind of loyalty to me, I feel I had no choice, but to reciprocate it.

Back in our barhopping days, he and I both had at an altercation or two that we got into. These when times when we both had each other’s backs. he was the first person who would be standing by my side in a heartbeat whenever things got bad. I returned the favor at any opportunity that I could 

The Hick and I had a major falling out, back when I was still with X2. About a year or so ago, we mended fences over a few beers. Things are not like it used to be, but at least we are back on speaking terms again.

So if you asked me, right now, gun to my head, what is the most important trait in a friend. I would say loyalty. Every day of the week and twice on Sunday. 

What quality do you value most in a friend?

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The article “The Redneck and a Lesson in Loyalty” first appeared on Rebuilding Rob.

One response to “The Redneck and a Lesson in Loyalty”

  1. Chris Avatar

    Spot on Rob 👏

    Liked by 1 person

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