34 is the new 45 

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I think Hillary Clinton said it best yesterday when she said “anything going on today?”

Unless you made conscious decision yesterday to disconnect from all media – printed, social, and otherwise, you’ve probably heard by now that Donald Trump was found guilty on all 34 counts of business fraud in his criminal trial yesterday. I previously wrote about Trump’s criminal trial here and HERE.

This dubious distinction means that Donald Trump is the first US President, sitting or former, to be charged with and convicted with a crime, let alone 34 of them.

I personally had no doubt that he was guilty of the crimes with which he was charged, and I suspect he has committed many others as well. But the O.J. Simpson double-murder trial of the mid 1990s taught me never underestimate America’s obsession with celebrities. I wasn’t really sure that Trump would be found guilty of any charges yesterday due to the fanaticism of his followers

Trump sentencing is set for July 11, just five days before he is scheduled to appear at the 2024 Republican national convention, where he will presumably accept the nomination candidate for the presidency

The reality is that the chances of Trump facing any actual jail time or slim at best; due to his age, and lack of criminal record. Also, his lawyers could potentially keep the appeals process, tied up for years. But nevertheless, he is now a convicted felon, and the Republican party themselves into a corner.

It’s interesting because a felony conviction, let alone 34 of them, does not disqualify a person from running for president, nor serving as president. I personally find it ironic that a person with a felony conviction could potentially become the commander and chiefof America’s armed forces.. Keep in mind, that America’s armed forces that prohibit anyone with a felony conviction (or 34 of them) from serving. 

The GOP won’t back down. They will still nominate him for the parties presidential candidacy. But just as they have a scorched earth policy with the economy, Republicans will back this guy now and say the hell with the future. This story is far from over.

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The article “34 is the new 45“ first appeared on Rebuilding Rob.

3 responses to “34 is the new 45 ”

  1. MaryG Avatar

    I ❤️NY

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Susan Taylor Avatar

    what a felony conviction does keep a person from doing is voting. do we think he will respect and abide by that law? well i guess there’s a first time for everything.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. rebuilding rob Avatar

      They were talking about this on CNN yesterday. I THINK this is determined on a state-by-state basis, but I’m not certain.

      Liked by 1 person

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