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Daily writing prompt
How do you know when it’s time to unplug? What do you do to make it happen?

I don’t always have a clear-cut answer as to when it is time to unplug. Sometimes, I’ll spend an entire day online depending on what I’m doing. There are days when I get on and am so inspired, I’ll crank out 2,3, or even 4 blog posts per day.

Usually, the moment I decide to unplug is when I have had enough. If I feel myself sinking into a bad mood, I disconnect. Sometimes, I’ll become hyper-aware of the fact that I’m just mindlessly scrolling strictly to kill time. I’ll think to myself Man, what are you doing? In those moments, I’ll charge my phone or laptop and just walk away from them.

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The article “disconnect” first appeared on Rebuilding Rob

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