Simple pleasures

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Daily writing prompt
Describe one simple thing you do that brings joy to your life.

There are a lot simple things I do to bring myself joy. Today, I decided to write about 2 TikTok users that I follow. Their videos, while relatively simple in content, bring me great joy. Not that either of these accounts need a plug, but here goes:

Spencer runs a landscaping company, SB Mowing. Sometimes, he will find an abandoned/neglected home in the community where he is working an cut the lawn for free. The before and after comparison photos remind me of those home redesign shows. It’s amazing the difference a well-maintained lawn makes to the appearance of a home. Of course, these video re-ignited a deep-seeded TV mystery I’ve ponded for many years:

Who the Hell was outside cutting their lawn during the zombie apocalypse on The Walking Dead?

There’s a handful of accounts like this one. This guy just goes around unclogging drains. For some reason, seeing all that backed-up water going down the sewers as water department intended, is very satisfying. Maybe it’s the idea that these people are doing this stuff out of kindness. It’s satisfying to watch people do good things for others.

Of course, in the case of Spencer, it is brilliant marketing and probably bank-rolls his company.

Hey, I’m not saying any of this stuff makes sense. I’m just being truthful in my response to the prompt.

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The article “simple pleasures” first appeared on Rebuilding Rob

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