finding my voice 

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Daily writing prompt
What fears have you overcome and how?

I had a public speaking class in college. I remember in one of the first days of the semester, my professor telling us “there are surveys that show that more people Afraid of speaking, they are dying.” Of course, can only come to the conclusion late at least once one is dead, they no longer have to speak in public.

Public speaking is a fear that I once had that I’ve gotten over. As a teacher, my job requires me to speak before groups of students or groups of my peers every work day.

as a kid, people always tell me that when I did speak in public “we can’t tell that you’re afraid of public speaking, Rob“. I guess they didn’t notice that I was shaking, that my voice was wavering a little bit. I have a tendency to be loud. Growing up, I was told “yeah, but your voice projects”. I think that’s a nice way to tell people that they’re loud. Apparently, I was better at hiding my fear than I ever realized.

For me, the only way I really overcame this fear was just by throwing myself in the proverbial ocean every day and doing it. But I could realize, even while I was substitute teaching, that it was going to have to get over my fear of public speaking.

of course, the idea that people think of you as some sort of authority on certain matters does help to assuage some of those fears. They look to you for guidance. Your audience hangs on your every word. I think that does more to help diminish ones for public speaking then we realize.

I’ve tried to parlay this newfound comfort with public speaking it bother areas of my life – specifically, speaking my mind. I another recent post, I used the expression “speak your mind. Even if your voice cracks”. That may be one of the most I portent lesson I’ve tried to apply to my everyday life. It’s important to find your voice – not just when sweeping to a group; but also when speaking up for yourself. More so, it’s important to speak up for others; as well as to say the things that at not always be popular. M

I didn’t want us to turn into a political tirade, but we’re in time the loudest no matter how wrong or how hateful they are, or getting the most attention. Yes, I’m looking at you Trumpers. History showed again again, that when loudmouth tire and sir allowed to run on shit, people will fall in line with them. This is why it is so important to speak truth of power.

I woke up one day a while back and realized that I have a lot more Trump supporting friends, and I realized. There are times when I am in a room that is thinking “the other”. That is a very lonely place to be, but I cannot keep my mouth shut. I know that to some people I come across the starting trouble, but dissent, opposition needs to be heard. Silence really is complicity.

End of rant.

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The article “finding my voice “ first appeared on Rebuilding Rob

3 responses to “finding my voice ”

  1. MaryG Avatar

    “I have a lot more Trump supporting friends, and I realized” / thanks for not being quiet, Rob! 👊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. rebuilding rob Avatar

      It’s amazing isn’t it? The way that we find out what people are really made of in these honest-to-goodness gut-check moments.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. MaryG Avatar

        Amazing – and sad. You’ll never feel the same way about those people.

        Liked by 2 people

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