Rob reads the Hardy Boy mysteries 

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Daily writing prompt
Do you remember your favorite book from childhood?

I remember liking a lot of books from my childhood. I think the one book – or book series – that sticks out most for me is the Hardy Boys mysteries series.

As kids, the apostle and I would devour those books. For the life of me, I really can’t remember the plots of too many of them at this point. We were mostly reading them just for the sake of saying that we had read them. I remember the back covers saying something to the effect of “collect them all“ so like Pokémon, or Star Wars action figures back in our day, we were trying our damnedest to do so.

As I’ve gotten older, I’ve learned more about the publication history of the Hardy boy stories; the revisions that have been made, and what not. Why don’t actively collect the novels today, I will from time to time find one in a new or used bookstore. If I can find original additions of the early books, I make a point to buy them; just because of the extensive rewrites that have been done over the years.

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Tjhe article “Rob Reads: The Hardy Boy Mysteries” first appeared on Rebuilding Rob.

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