Rob’s Top 5 MASH episodes part 2: the other half

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Back in January, I decided to watch the classic television series MASH from beginning to end. In March I decided to create a Top 5 MASH episodes – so far list as I reached the midway point of the series. As I am now wrapping up the final season of the show, I thought it only fitting to create another Top 5 list – this covering the second-half of the series.

From my previous top 5 list:

At this point, it goes without saying that MASH is still one of the most beloved show in television history. Of course, it was based on the 1970 movie of the same title; which, itself, was based on a 1968 novel. The show was set during the Korean War, which “only” lasted 3 years. However the series ran for 11 seasons - a testament to its popularity. MASH walked several different proverbial tightropes - lampooning war and military life while also depicting the enormity of both. Keep in mind, the US involvement in Vietnam war was winding down when MASH premiered in 1972. It was a part of the era of “tv relevancy” - when network television shows began directly addressing issues of the day. MASH was no exception. While it it ridiculed war, MASH tackled topics like death, politics, racism, sexism and homophobia head-on.

Like any great, long-running creative endeavor, the showrunners on MASH decided to push the boundaries of the series as it went on. Later episodes would take a more serious tone, while still keeping the humor in place. In some cases – like the episodes I list here – they experimented with the very nature of how stories are presented in the 30 minute episodic format.

Here are my top 5 episodes from the second half of MASH.

Point of View – season 7, episode 11

This is one of MASH‘s more experimental approaches to storytelling. The episode is shot in first person point-of-view of a wounded soldier at the 4077. Video gamers would see this first-person perspective popularized in games from the late 90- early 2000s.

Life Time – season 8, episode 11

Hawkeye & the staff of the 4077 have 20 minutes to save a wounded soldier’s life. This episode takes place in real-time; a storytelling approach popularized over 20 years later by the series 24. Have I mentioned how far ahead of it’s time MASH was?

Dreams – Season 8, episode 22

As the members of the 4077 try to sleep during a rush of casualties. their dreams dreams turn into nightmares, as the realities of war invade their thoughts. This episode rattled me a bit, like the movie Johnny Got His Gun.

Death Takes a Holiday – Season 9, episode 5

As Korean orphans attend a Christmas party at the 4077, Hawkeye & BJ try to keep a mortally wounded soldier alive long enough that he won’t die on Christmas.

Follies of the Living, Concerns of the Dead – season 10, episode 10

When Klinger falls ill, he communicates with a recently-deceased GI who struggling to come to terms with his own death.

Honorable Mention: Goodbye, Farewell and Amen – Season 11, episode 16

I only saw the last few minutes of the finale in ’83; but his shot has stuck with me ever since.

I would be remiss if I did not include the series finale. This episode deals with the end of the Korean War; as members of the 4077 break camp, say goodbye and prepare to go home. 41 years after, the MASH finale is STILL the most-watched scripted television episode of all time. Given the changes in television viewing over the last 4 decades, this record isn’t going anywhere.

If you are a fan of classic television, war stories, comedy, drama or even “dramedies” I cannot recommend MASH enough. It is no accident that – over 40 years since its finale – MASH is STILL one of the most popular, most endearing televisions show of all-time.

MASH is currently streaming on Hulu.

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The article “Rob’s Top 5 MASH Episodes Part 2: The Other Half” first appeared on Rebuilding Rob.

5 responses to “Rob’s Top 5 MASH episodes part 2: the other half”

  1. MyGenXerLife Avatar

    Great choices. I remember all of those episodes. Although I enjoyed all MASH episodes, I liked the colonel potter, BJ and Winchester years the best. They moved from slapstick comedy to a place they could be more creative with the show. Your top 5 exemplifies that. Great job watching the entire series. No easy feat!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. rebuilding rob Avatar

      Thanks! The series really exceeded my expectations to be honest.

      One thing I talked about in my “first half top five list” is the fact that the show still feels contemporary. And the example I compared to was the original Star Trek. Star Trek ended in 1968; where is mash debut in 1972. Even though the shows are only four years apart, Star Trek feels like “old timey TV” whereas MASH still feels mostly current. I think that’s just a testament to how far ahead of its time MASH was.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. MyGenXerLife Avatar

        I saw a rerun of a MASH special the other week. They included interviews with the actors and discussed the creativity of their episodes. I was surprised how many of the actors have passed. It reminded me how old the show is

        Liked by 1 person

      2. rebuilding rob Avatar

        It’s hard to leave sometimes, and I’m pretty sure that you and I are around the same age, that the show premiered 52 years ago and it ended 41 years ago.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Mr. B Avatar

    MASH was one of the few adult sitcoms I enjoyed as a kid, including Three’s Conpany, and Full House.

    Liked by 1 person

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