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Yesterday was the graduation ceremony at my high school. No, I’m not in high school in case anybody forgot, this is the high school that I teach at.

I don’t think you can work at, be affiliated with, attend, or have a friend or loved one taking part in a high school graduation or without getting at least a little bit sentimental. I got a little choked up a few times, I will admit

This was the first time I had to high school graduation in about 15 years. It’s been a long time since I worked at a high school.; As I worked the last several years at the Middle School level.

Today is commencement and got me thinking about kid 1. He just completed his junior year in high school. One year from now, that will be him walking across the stage and getting his diploma. Graduation commencement is always a time to reflect. I realize that one year from now I’ll be reflecting and kid ones entire childhood. Most of all, I’ll be thinking about all the things that I wasn’t there for with him.

Being a divorced parent, and having less than half custody of your kids sucks. Sure, it’s nice being able to more clearly delineate between parent time and grown-up time. But the truth is, there’s so much of kid 1’s life that I wasn’t able to be a part of because it was so far away. I’m sure this is a topic I will revisit a lot in the weeks and months ahead.

Even with kid 2, even though his mom and I live about two hours away from each other, it’s considerably closer and I see him more often than I’m able to see kid 2.Do I regret my divorce? Of course I do. I regret the fact that my marriage didn’t work. But more than that, kid 1 was really the ultimate victim in that. Don’t get me wrong. I’m extraordinarily proud of him. He has accomplished so much; and to be honest, his future is wide-open. It’s just that I wish that I was There to experience more…of everything with him.

He has talked about going to college up here in Michigan. To be honest, I am desperately hoping that he does. No, I wouldn’t be the same as having time with him growing up, but it would allow me to have a different type of relationship with him; one that X1 necessarily would not have.

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The article “Commencement” first appeared on Rebuilding Rob.

8 responses to “Commencement ”

  1. Of Tony Robbins and Tobey Maguire – Rebuilding Rob Avatar

    […] I usually find Tony Robbins to be ultra cheesy; and then I see a clip like this. I needed this today as I’m thinking about today’s prompt, and reflecting on Kid 1’s childhood. […]

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Susan Taylor Avatar

    my youngest will graduate next year. #5. pretty hard to even comprehend i will not have a child in school after that. eldest started kindergarten in 1998 so we have been parents of school age kids for decades. i’m with you. hope you son decides to attend college in your state.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. rebuilding rob Avatar

      It feels surreal, doesn’t it? I mean, even sitting there yesterday at my students graduation, I can help but get a little bit emotional and reflective on it.

      Liked by 2 people

    2. Mr. B Avatar

      My oldest graduated last month🥲. She got a job and I know I will see less and less of her, it is rough.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Susan Taylor Avatar

        it really is a major adjustment. thank goodness for texting. i keep in touch with my eldest mostly through texting. get to see them only occasionally even though we are in same town.

        Liked by 2 people

      2. rebuilding rob Avatar

        It’s just such a remarkable transition, isn’t it? Time seems to go by so quickly.


  3. Mr. B Avatar

    Yeah I teach seniors so I thought it would not be a big deal for me….I was wrong😢

    Liked by 1 person

    1. rebuilding rob Avatar

      We get so much more attached to our students than we ever realize!


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