My phone

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Daily writing prompt
What’s the one luxury you can’t live without?

I realize I’m going to sound like such a kid for saying this, but one luxury and probably could not live without right now would be my iphone . The majority of my blogging I do, I do through the WordPress mobile app. While I have a couple of school laptops that I use, I don’t currently own a desktop so most of my reading writing and web browsing takes place on my iPhone.

obviously, my phone is also my primary tool for communicating. Whether it is through work, personally use, my children, I do all of my phone and texting correspondence on this little device that is sitting in my hand right now.

I hate to see things like “I couldn’t live without my phone“ because I know that I actually could. But even at the ripe old age of 50, sometimes I have a hard time remembering what life is like before the Internet and smart phones.

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The article “my phone” first appeared on Rebuilding Rob.

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