Second chances

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Daily writing prompt
What notable things happened today?

Since this is posting early Thursday morning, I’m going to talk about what happened on Wednesday; or maybe more of the point, what happened Tuesday night.

Tuesday night, I met up with ex schoolteacher for a drink. Her and I had actually dated a few times prior – maybe two years ago right before I met Jessica. I’m not really sure what happened back then. Things didn’t work out between me and her. It may have been because things took off with me and Jessica. In any event, we just stopped talking. I’m not really sure who stopped talking to who for sure. At the time, I was being kind of bummed that things didn’t really materialize between me and school teacher. So when I got a Facebook friend request from her out-of-the-blue last week, I was a bit surprised.

The plan was that we were just going to meet up for a couple of drinks and to catch up. That’s pretty much what we did. But we stayed there for about three hours. I thought we hit things off pretty well. In a first for me, her high-school- age son actually came into the bar at about 10 o’clock.

I must admit that I didn’t have “teenage son walking in on his mom‘s date at a bar” on my bingo card. But it was funny because, apparently he was standing at a table next to us for about 10 minutes and he finally texted his mom saying “are you blind?“. We turned around and realized he was standing there. But to me, that’s a testament to how much I was commanding her attention for the evening. She literally didn’t even notice her son standing at the table next to us!

I really don’t want to put the cart before the horse here, but I had fun last night. This is probably the most fun I’ve had on a first date in a long time. I felt the vibe. I felt chemistry. It was nice. I think she was really happy to see me. And I was very happy to see her. ever since I came home last night I’ve been saying to myself “I’m not letting this one get away again”

Having said that, I’m trying to keep things in perspective. As much as I think she had a good time, I’m getting the “I don’t have time for a relationship” vibe from her. After all, things didn’t move forward between us 2 years ago, for whatever reason. People talk a lot about “right person, wrong time”. Is it possible to get a second chance with a potential partner?

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The article “second chances?“ first appeared on Rebuilding Rob.

5 responses to “Second chances”

  1. Ernie Federspiel Avatar

    Sounds like she was looking for that elusive second chance also Rob.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. rebuilding rob Avatar

      I’m hoping that was the case. She did seem happy to see me.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Ernie Federspiel Avatar

        Good luck!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Liz Avatar

    It sounds good having 3 hours together and enjoying yourself. I imagine she felt the same too, enjoying your company.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Chris Avatar

    Go with the flow, keep seeing/dating her, and let it run it’s natural course of things. If it’s meant to happen, it will happen.

    Liked by 1 person

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