Feeling Steve Jobs

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Daily writing prompt
If you were forced to wear one outfit over and over again, what would it be?

when I initially saw this prompt, the first image that jumped into my mind was that of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs and his signature ensemble: blac mock turtle-neck, blue jeans and tennis shoes (though many people call them sneakers).

I stumbled across this old Forbes article which talks about Jobs’s fashion sense. It explains that for him – and apparently others – the rational for wearing the same outfit every day is that it eliminates a handful of decisions that he would have to make each morning. It, as Forrest Gump would describe it “one less thing” to think about every day. The article also cites some other famous people who wear the same outfit every day – among them Albert Einstein and Barack Obama. Granted, Obama was President as of the article’s publication. The job limits him to typically wearing suits in public pic.

if I were to resign myself to a single outfit to wear every day, I would probably wear something similar to jobs. Blue jeans are a must. Likewise, tennis shoes are essential as well. Even at work, typically work, tennis shoes, just out of comfort. The durable, and they have that Mamma Bear – comfort level: not too big, not too small, just right. Not too hard, not too soft, just right.

Keep it simple…

As for the shirt, I would probably go with the solid colored crewneck T-shirt. To be honest, I hate long sleeves. I despise wearing them. In fact, the only times that I can bring myself to wear long sleeves are when I am extremely cold/sick. I’m not really sure what color I would wear yet. As much as I like white T-shirts, I wouldn’t want to wear white every day because it would attract dirt too easily. I would probably wear either a solid black or solid red tee. My favorite colors are black, white, and red. I touched this color scheme specifically when I was writing about my favorite pair of shoes a while back.

I’m no slave to fashion. In fact, sometimes I’ll have jokingly call myself “Rob Slob” after the Garbage Pail Kid. But, I think even I would get incredibly bored wearing the same outfit every single day. But, if eliminating such a frivolous series of decisions every day would free my mind enough to create the McIntosh computer, or the iPhone; create a theory groundbreaking such as relativity, or be the leader of the free world for eight years, I’m on board!

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The article “feeling Steve Jobs“ first appeared on Rebuilding Rob.

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