Rob goes green

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Daily writing prompt
Are there things you try to practice daily to live a more sustainable lifestyle?

I know that I’ve talked about my political use before on the blog; so should probably come as no surprise that I try to be more environmentally conscious whenever possible.  I do what I can, within reason, to reduce my “carbon footprint“. 

There several things I do to try and live more sustainable life. For the last several years, I have been a pretty active recycler. Recently, in my town, recycling was added to our garbage fees. So I’m now able to do curbside recycling, instead of having to drive to my local recycling center. I’m happy to say that I have seen my own weekly garbage cut in half as a result of recycling.

As far as maintenance of my outdoor home is concerned, I have been mulching my lawn while I cut it for probably the last 20 to 30 years.

Eventually I want to get at least a hybrid car, if not to go a completely electric vehicle within the next few years. As America’s big three auto companies are moving closer to electric vehicles, I may be forced into this within the next decade, If I had the resources to do so now, I would add solar panels to my house to cut down on my energy usage.

At the risk of sounding preachy, I think it is our responsibility to take better care of our planet. The signs of climate shift are blatantly obvious. If people are choosing to ignore them, they’re simply choosing to ignore the their eyes.

Sadly, there are lots of photos like this.

Yes ebbs and tides are expected in terms of global temperatures. However, the hottest year ever recorded in human history was 2023. The previous record holder was 2022. The previous record before that was 2021. You get the idea.

To be honest, the environment is something that bothers me far more than I usually talk about. Sometimes I’m concerned about the fact that I did bring children into this world and I worry about what the climate will be like 50 years from now for them.

What are some things you are doing to live a more sustainable lifestyle?

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The article “Rob goes green” first appeared on Rebuilding Rob.

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