It’s in the cards

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Can you share a positive example of where you’ve felt loved?

I’m sure if I give this a deep enough dive, I could probably come up with some better examples when I felt loved. My first and foremost answer would automatically have to be something pertaining by sons. But for an example of a time that I felt loved, I would go back to a situation between me and X2.

I don’t remember exactly how long ago this happened. Next month will be four years since we split up for good; so I would guess this was closer to six or seven years ago. At the time she and I were living about 90 miles away from where I grew up. I had to go back into town for a week for something work related. It could’ve been some training or professional development for one of the schools I worked at, I don’t remember for sure.

Out of convenience for not having to drive 90 minutes each way for a week, I chose to stay in-town at my parents house for the duration of this training.

Before I even went back into town, X2 had gone and bought five greeting cards, one for each day that I was going to be out of town, wrote something cute inside each of them and signed them. She went as far as to label each envelope “read this first” and “read this second” and so forth. She addressed them to my parents house and dropped them in the mail, in the hopes of me receiving one every day while I was out of town.

It worked out really well. I believe there was one day where I got two cards at the same time so it ended up being five cards in four days, thank you United States Postal Service. but the only day I didn’t get one was the last day I was in town; so would never felt as if she “forgot” a day.

This was a relatively inexpensive gesture and one that probably required more of a sense of timing than it did planning. But it was incredibly sweet and thoughtful. It may seem a little bit juvenile of some people, but it truly is a thought that counts – especially when money is tight.

It got me. It brought this old softie to tears. Even now, years later and in spite of the way things ended between us, thinking about that just you’re still brings a smile on my face and lump in my throat, albeit temporarily.

Those feelings are long gone, of course. They’ve been replaced by negative feelings; or in some cases, no feelings whatsoever But at that time, in those moments, I truly felt loved.

I came across those cards recently, while going through some of my old things. For the life of me, I can’t remember if I kept them or decided to finally recycle them. In any event, the memories are still there.

What is one positive example of a time where you felt loved?

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The article “It’s in the Cards” originally appeared on Rebuilding Rob

4 responses to “It’s in the cards”

  1. MaryG Avatar

    Reminds me of that Dr. Seuss quote: Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. rebuilding rob Avatar

      Well said! Fortunately, I’m at a point where I can look back on memories like that, maybe get a little, caught up in the emotion in the moment of it, and then just move on.


      1. GodsChild Avatar

        When my book is published and there after I’ll feel better . I will move on.


  2. 000,000,000'Shine Avatar

    Emotional . Romantic . Timeless


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