Rob Revisits: “The Kid Goes Digital”

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Batman: Digital Justice

This may be the most interesting “Rob Revisits” yet. 11 years ago today, I posted about entering the world of on-line dating.

And what has it gotten me? One failed long-term relationship. My youngest son, Kid 2, as a result of said failed LTR. Lots of dates and lots of stories of other failed relationships.

Technically, my relationship with X2 makes it a little misleading to talk about getting into online dating 11 years ago; since I was off the apps and with her for 7 of those years. Still, you get the point.

Previously, I’ve talked at length about how dating post divorce – especially in one’s 30s and 40s (and eventually 50s) is not unlike being a character in one of those post-apocalyptic movies. You know the ones – where characters are foraging through the wild in survival mode; all while trying to find any pieces of the pre-apocalyptic world to cling onto. Think of Mad Max, but with smart phones and dating apps.

All the greats are taken. Those of us who are left are damaged, shell-shocked and battle-scarred from it all. And let me be clear: I’m just as fucked-up, jaded, rejected and dejected as everyone else out here. As of this moment, I don’t ever see myself getting married again. Hell, I’m not sure if I can even see myself in a committed, exclusive relationship in the near future either.

I honestly thought that seeing X2 in a long-term relationship with Hockey Pants would make me sand, angry or jealous. I feel none of those things. In fact, I feel bad for the guy. He and I talked once during one of their break-ups. It was very illuminating for me

While I still like the ideas of being in a relationship; I still am attracted to members of the opposite sex, right now the whole dating scene just feels like a waste of time and resources. Was, rinse, repeat. The one good thing to come out of this current feeling is that I no longer feel like being is a relationship is the end-all, be-all defining characteristic of my life.

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The articles “The Kid Goes Digital” and “Rob Reviews: The Kid Goes Digital“ first appeared on Rebuilding Rob

2 responses to “Rob Revisits: “The Kid Goes Digital””

  1. Silk Cords Avatar

    Online dating… hmmm…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. rebuilding rob Avatar

      No comment…LMAO 🤣

      Liked by 1 person

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