NFL kicker puts foot in mouth. 

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A big news story making it’s way around the interwebs today is the commencement address given by Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker at Benedictine College’s graduation. in addition to regurgitating the conservative Christian soundbites on abortion and LGBTQ rights, this story raised eyebrows and garnered clicks when Butker said that women should give up on their career dreams and become housewives.

Let’s unpack a few things here. Benedictine College is (in case the name didn’t tip you off) a conservative Christian college. Butler considers himself a conservative Christian. When i first heard about this story, I knew neither of these things. Like a lot of people, all I initially heard was “some NFL player told women they should give up their career dreams – in a graduation speech.

I don’t say all this to defend Butker, nor what he said. Personally, I think the guy is a jackass and I denounce Christian conservatism. But the guy knew his audience and, by all accounts his message was well received. Whether we like what he had to say or not, he had a right to say it. Just as the rest of us have the right to ridicule him for it.

The NFL quickly swung into “damage control” mode Thursday, distancing themselves from Butker’s words yesterday saying: “His views are not those of the NFL as an organization. The NFL is steadfast in our commitment to inclusion, which only makes our league stronger.” The truth is, would the college have asked Butker to speak at their commencement if he wasn’t an NFL player?

And herein lies the rub. People tend to think that the first amendment gives Americans carte blanche to say whatever we want at any given time. It doesn’t. The first amendment is a contract between the government and the citizens of this country. Free speech is NOT protected in the workplace. This is a lesson Gina Carano learned when she was fired by Disney after some controversial tweets. Now she’s trying to sue the biggest entertainment company on the planet to get her job back. Good luck with that, Gina.

I just saw this morning that Harrison Butker’s NFL jersey is currently the number one selling jersey in Don’t worry. That will die down in a couple days. Besides, Colin Kaepernick’s jersey stayed at the top of the NFL sales charts for years after the league blackballed him. 

But conservatives are a funny bunch. They defend free speech as long as somebody saying something that they agree with. does anybody else remember how ape-shit they went when Kap took a knee? And isn’t this the same crowd who told LeBron James to “shut up and dribble“ when he spoke out after George Floyd was murdered? 

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The article “NFL kicker puts foot in mouth“ first appeared on Rebuilding Rob.

2 responses to “NFL kicker puts foot in mouth. ”

  1. MyGenXerLife Avatar

    You’re right, he is free to his opinion, but really? At a time when women make up almost 60% enrollment in colleges these days, this uninspired speech is mind boggling. I’m not saying that it is less to be a homemaker. Not at all. If someone chooses that path, I’m the first to high five them. But let’s also encourage all to pursue their dreams. Graduating college is a springboard into life. For those wanting to pursue a career, a little inspiring encouragement would have been nice.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. rebuilding rob Avatar

      I agree 💯. I read somewhere that this guy’s mom is like a scientist or something herself. His speech spits directly in the face of his mother’s accomplishments. And what about the roughly 50% of the graduating class that happened to be women?

      Liked by 1 person

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