Rob Revists: Worlds Collide

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Sometimes, when i look back on these old posts (this one is from 11 years ago) I have to laugh at myself. I laugh because of how important some things seemed to me many years ago.

I also laugh when I think about how different my life was then compared to now. being in a relationship was so important to me back then. I relied too heavily on that to define how happy I was.

It’s amazing the fluid like, transient nature of human relationships . One day, you’re in an exclusive relationship with someone, being intimate with them, and telling you that you love them; sharing all your hopes and dreams and fears. A short time later, they basically been promoted to being strangers.

The funny thing is, I don’t know exactly when the change happened. I just kind of woke up one day and I only did. I realize that it was happier being single; but I also realized that being in a relationship right now which is complicate things for me. Don’t get me wrong. I would love to meet somebody. I just don’t think I’m going to find them on a dating app. To be honest, I don’t know where in the hell I’m gonna find that special someone. Or if it even happened for that matter. The crazy part is I’m OK with that.

A few days back, I read something online where somebody said that you can tell how much you have grown or changed as a person when you’re l able to look back on things that you thought, or said in the past – only have them now seem trivial. If this is true, then I realize that I have grown a great deal in the last 10 years.

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The article “Rob revisits: worlds collide“ first appeared on Rebuilding Rob.

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