Broken bones

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Daily writing prompt
Have you ever broken a bone?

Unfortunately I don’t have any stories about my hell-raising, daredevil youth. Don’t get me wrong, I had my fare share of bumps, bruises, cuts and scrapes; but the only bone I’ve ever broken was my thumb.

I don’t even have a great story behind this one. Me and another kid in the neighborhood were running down the street. We may have been playing football, but I think we were having a foot race. As we were swingin our arms, he ended up hitting my hand (my thumb in particular) and there it went.

I had to wear a cast for six weeks. This was one of the old plaster casts that people would get all their friends to sign. The same ones that started to smell after a couple of weeks .

Actually, I’m pretty sure I’ve broken a couple of my toes on numerous occasions. However, they don’t really put toes in to cast so I never really know for sure if they’re broken or not.

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The article “broken bones” first appeared in Rebuilding Rob.

4 responses to “Broken bones”

  1. Susan Taylor Avatar

    thanks for letting me read your post even though it was directed to Ashley. (always the smart aleck, this reader)

    Liked by 2 people

    1. rebuilding rob Avatar


      Liked by 1 person

    2. rebuilding rob Avatar

      It has now been corrected!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Susan Taylor Avatar



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