Episode 9 is Now Live!

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On this week’s episode, Rob talks about the job that gets him out of bed every morning.

Rebuilding Rob – The Podcast is a podcast based in this very blog. It is currently available on Spotify, Amazon Music and Google Podcasts Apple Podcasts and I Heart Radio. New episodes appear (almost) every Wednesday

8 responses to “Episode 9 is Now Live!”

  1. MyGenXerLife Avatar

    I have to give you props for including a podcast, too. Nice job. I’ll give this one a listen later today.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Yehoshua Avatar

    Can’t wait to check this out, I love podcasts I didn’t know you had one! Gonna start on episode one tomorrow

    Liked by 2 people

    1. rebuilding rob Avatar



    2. rebuilding rob Avatar

      I’m still looking for a cohost, because it feels weird just talking to myself lol

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yehoshua Avatar

        I’m listening to the current episode. I think we could vibe together..maybe we should one day hop on a call see how a conversation goes or something. I’m not in the headspace yet though 😆

        Liked by 1 person

      2. rebuilding rob Avatar

        Absolutely! Even if it’s like a one off interview.

        I may very well hold you to this when you’re up for it!

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Yehoshua Avatar

        Yeah man I would be interested for sure! I always thought about it, would also be a good layer of content for me as well to add. Do you write scripts for your podcasts or do you just kinda record with loose parameters ?

        Liked by 1 person

      4. rebuilding rob Avatar

        So far, it’s really been recording with kind of loose parameters. For the most part, most of my episodes have just been “directors cuts” of some of my blog entries.

        There have been a couple where I kinda combined a couple of posts into one longer show. And then they have one or two that we’re just more or less off the cuff.

        But right now I’m open to trying anything: either freewheeling it, or scripting it.


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