The Era of Soft Men and Drizzle Drizzle

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I just stumbled across this whole “drizzle drizzle” thing that is apparently going viral on social media right now. Here’s a post that talks explains everything in a little bit more detail.

Men Should be Heard is an account I follow on TikTok. I like a lot of what he has to say about addressing men’s issues and empowering men. However I don’t take everything he says as gospel. One of his big points is that “men don’t need women”. I respectfully disagree. I happen to love women. I’m still attracted to them. The female anatomy is one of life’s greatest creations. Furthermore, I know that both men and women need each other. This idea that one gender doesn’t need the other and vice versa is preposterous -on both sides.

Having said all that, as a cishet white man, I’m sick to death of hearing women say that “they don’t need men”, and somehow believing that position to be empowering. Likewise these unrealistic expectations many women set on men will either doom them to life-long bachelorette-hood. Even worse, it will send the men in their lives to early graves.

So, yes, it’s refreshing to see men embracing this whole “soft men” thing. Not long after seeing this video, I saw other in my “For You” page of men declaring themselves as soft and uttering the ballet cry “drizzle drizzle”.

if this sounds ridiculous, it’s supposed to. That’s the point. These men are flipping the proverbial script on certain women and showing them how ridiculous they sound. None of this is to say that men don’t have unrealistic expectations of women either. They do and they have since forever.

Supporting feminist causes does not mean that you have to hate men. Likewise, being an advocate for men does not mean that you need to bash women.

But when so many different aspects of our lives, the advancement of women group usually ends up filling at the cost of another. For instance, many people make a false equivalence between the advancement of women’s causes and fashion. This does not have to be the case. We do not have to wait for things to become so lopsided between two groups that pendulum has to radically shifted the opposite direction. Or to put it more simply, supporting feminist causes does not mean that you hate men. Likewise, being an advocate for men, does not mean that you need to bash women.

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The article “The Era of Soft Men and Drizzle Drizzle” first appeared on Rebuilding Rob.

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